Organize and monitor your warehouse with LogiTrak. The LogiTrak solution is designed to automate the processes of receiving, dispatching, and transferring inventory.
Logística y distribución
soluciones móviles

The Logitrak Portal includes a web service so that managers and operations personnel can view from any place not only the trajectory of the trucks during the deliveries of the goods but also, the KPIs of the delivery management in real-time.It also automates the merchandise delivery route preparation and optimization, while it integrates with your external ERP system.
Manage clients on the road and get there on time
- Assign merchandise receipt to warehouse users.
- Visualization of Planned Route and real-time transportation tracking.
- Utilize your trucks loading space at its most efficient capacity.
- Our team of in-house developers can customize LogiTrak to your specific needs.
Know what is in stock at all times and automate your warehouse.
- External Scanner Compatibility.
- Know when stock is running low to order more inventory.
- Products shipped and received automatically land on ERP.
- Barcode/SKU/UPC scanning with the mobile device camera.
- Allow your pickers to keep your warehouse up to date by scanning inventory with the MobileIM app.
Know where your drivers are and help drivers optimize their routes to save time and gas.
- Know where your drivers are located at all times.
- Real-Time GPS Route Inquiry.
- Proof of Delivery with electronic signature.
- Truck Loading Confirmation and Acceptance.
- With COD collections available your drivers can receive payments.